287 places were taken for the Inspirational Speaker Series with 63 attending from the dance sector across Wales and 14 Rubicon Full Time Course Students!

287 places were taken for the Inspirational Speaker Series with 63 attending from the dance sector across Wales and 14 Rubicon Full Time Course Students!

January can often be a gloomy time after the Christmas celebrations as we continue into the cold winter months, but this year has felt even more difficult for lots of people and for many reasons. In my Training and Mentoring role at Rubicon which includes managing the Wales Wide Training Programme I asked lots of dance practitioners from across Wales what training should look like for them to kickstart the new year and many said, “Can we be inspired by hearing about some of the work of the big names in the dance sector from across the UK?”. A series of talks were organised and included the following incredible artists working in the UK dance sector and internationally.

Absolutely incredible talk this afternoon, I haven't stopped thinking about it since!! I just found everything Laura was saying so inspiring and I love Stopgap's ethos about inclusive dance! I felt like I could listen to her talk all day!” - From one of the community dance practitioners who attended the Inspirational Speaker Series

“No ifs or buts if you want a career in dance and you are prepared to work your socks off then the Rubicon Full Time Course is the most friendly, liberating and the professional full-time course you can do! I completed the Rubicon course back in 1987 and am now an internationally renowned choreographer for opera working all over the world”.-  Andrew George

"It was a total pleasure to be part of the Wales Wide Training Programme and to connect with 50 inspirational dance artists. An engaging conversation with a range of artists delivering important work across Wales".- Wayne McGregor

Wayne McGregor CBE, Director and Choreographer

Andrew George, Choreographer

Laura Jones, Head of Talent Development, Stopgap Dance Company

Kerry Nicholls, Owner and Producer, Kerry Nicholls Dance

Tom Hobden, Choreographer and Educator, Photo credit: Rachel Cherry

Dr Sharon Watson, DL - CEO and Principal, Northern School of Contemporary Dance. 

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Let's Dance with Rubicon Dance

Let's Dance with Rubicon Dance

Rubicon Dance is signed up to the "Let's Dance" UK wide campaign on Sunday 2 March

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BTEC Open Days and Auditions 2025

BTEC Open Days and Auditions 2025

Rubicon BTEC 2025-2026 academic year recruitment programme dates

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Work with Rubicon Dance: Outreach & Engagement Coordinator  /  Gweithio gyda Rubicon: Cydlynydd Allgymorth ac Ymgysylltu

Work with Rubicon Dance: Outreach & Engagement Coordinator / Gweithio gyda Rubicon: Cydlynydd Allgymorth ac Ymgysylltu

This is an exciting opportunity to play a pivotal role in the future of our organisation and oversee the successful implementation of our exciting community programme. / Mae hwn yn gyfle cyffrous i chwarae rhan ganolog yn nyfodol ein sefydliad ac i oruchwylio gweithredu llwyddiannus ein rhaglen gymunedol gyffrous.

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Work with Rubicon Dance: Operations Manager  /  Gweithio gyda Rubicon: Rheolwr Gweithrediadau

Work with Rubicon Dance: Operations Manager / Gweithio gyda Rubicon: Rheolwr Gweithrediadau

This is an exciting opportunity to play a pivotal role in the future of our organisation and take the lead in ensuring the overall quality of our extensive participatory programme. / Mae hwn yn gyfle cyffrous i chwarae rhan ganolog yn nyfodol ein sefydliad ac i arwain y ffordd mewn sicrhau ansawdd gyffredinol ein rhaglen gyfranogol eang.

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287 places were taken for the Inspirational Speaker Series with 63 attending from the dance sector across Wales and 14 Rubicon Full Time Course Students!

287 places were taken for the Inspirational Speaker Series with 63 attending from the dance sector across Wales and 14 Rubicon Full Time Course Students!

January can often be a gloomy time after the Christmas celebrations as we continue into the cold winter months, but this year has felt even more difficult for lots of people and for many reasons. In my Training and Mentoring role at Rubicon which includes managing the Wales Wide Training Programme I asked lots of dance practitioners from across Wales what training should look like for them to kickstart the new year and many said, “Can we be inspired by hearing about some of the work of the big names in the dance sector from across the UK?”. A series of talks were organised and included the following incredible artists working in the UK dance sector and internationally.

Absolutely incredible talk this afternoon, I haven't stopped thinking about it since!! I just found everything Laura was saying so inspiring and I love Stopgap's ethos about inclusive dance! I felt like I could listen to her talk all day!” - From one of the community dance practitioners who attended the Inspirational Speaker Series

“No ifs or buts if you want a career in dance and you are prepared to work your socks off then the Rubicon Full Time Course is the most friendly, liberating and the professional full-time course you can do! I completed the Rubicon course back in 1987 and am now an internationally renowned choreographer for opera working all over the world”.-  Andrew George

"It was a total pleasure to be part of the Wales Wide Training Programme and to connect with 50 inspirational dance artists. An engaging conversation with a range of artists delivering important work across Wales".- Wayne McGregor

Wayne McGregor CBE, Director and Choreographer

Andrew George, Choreographer

Laura Jones, Head of Talent Development, Stopgap Dance Company

Kerry Nicholls, Owner and Producer, Kerry Nicholls Dance

Tom Hobden, Choreographer and Educator, Photo credit: Rachel Cherry

Dr Sharon Watson, DL - CEO and Principal, Northern School of Contemporary Dance. 

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