Cornerstone July 2023

In July the Rubicon BTEC Students and Youth Dance Performance Group performed at Cornerstone in Cardiff City Centre to celebrate 47 years of Rubicon Dance and to raise funds.

In July Rubicon's BTEC Students and Youth Dance Performance Group performed at Cornerstone in Cardiff City Centre to celebrate 47 years of Rubicon Dance at their annual Cabaret Fundraising Evening. It was such a hot evening but they danced their socks off and were so professional throughout the evening. 
Massive thanks and appreciation to the wonderful St Peters Players singers who gave up their evening to perform with us. 
Thanks also to the lovely staff at Cornerstone and Spiro Borg. What a beautiful venue! 
A huge thank you to Peter Cooksley for organising the evening and for being so generous with your time for Rubicon. It really is appreciated.

‘It was a pleasure to be involved in supporting Rubicon by raising money through our charity cabaret evening. The talent on stage from Rubicon and St. Peter’s Players was very successful. Let's do it again next year’

Thank you to all those who attended the event to raise funds for Rubicon and to celebrate our 47 years. We are pleased to tell you that the evening raised £1,446.50.  We really appreciate your support and kind messages. Thank you!
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Let's Dance with Rubicon Dance

Let's Dance with Rubicon Dance

Rubicon Dance is signed up to the "Let's Dance" UK wide campaign on Sunday 2 March

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BTEC Open Days and Auditions 2025

BTEC Open Days and Auditions 2025

Rubicon BTEC 2025-2026 academic year recruitment programme dates

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Work with Rubicon Dance: Outreach & Engagement Coordinator  /  Gweithio gyda Rubicon: Cydlynydd Allgymorth ac Ymgysylltu

Work with Rubicon Dance: Outreach & Engagement Coordinator / Gweithio gyda Rubicon: Cydlynydd Allgymorth ac Ymgysylltu

This is an exciting opportunity to play a pivotal role in the future of our organisation and oversee the successful implementation of our exciting community programme. / Mae hwn yn gyfle cyffrous i chwarae rhan ganolog yn nyfodol ein sefydliad ac i oruchwylio gweithredu llwyddiannus ein rhaglen gymunedol gyffrous.

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Work with Rubicon Dance: Operations Manager  /  Gweithio gyda Rubicon: Rheolwr Gweithrediadau

Work with Rubicon Dance: Operations Manager / Gweithio gyda Rubicon: Rheolwr Gweithrediadau

This is an exciting opportunity to play a pivotal role in the future of our organisation and take the lead in ensuring the overall quality of our extensive participatory programme. / Mae hwn yn gyfle cyffrous i chwarae rhan ganolog yn nyfodol ein sefydliad ac i arwain y ffordd mewn sicrhau ansawdd gyffredinol ein rhaglen gyfranogol eang.

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Cornerstone July 2023

In July the Rubicon BTEC Students and Youth Dance Performance Group performed at Cornerstone in Cardiff City Centre to celebrate 47 years of Rubicon Dance and to raise funds.

In July Rubicon's BTEC Students and Youth Dance Performance Group performed at Cornerstone in Cardiff City Centre to celebrate 47 years of Rubicon Dance at their annual Cabaret Fundraising Evening. It was such a hot evening but they danced their socks off and were so professional throughout the evening. 
Massive thanks and appreciation to the wonderful St Peters Players singers who gave up their evening to perform with us. 
Thanks also to the lovely staff at Cornerstone and Spiro Borg. What a beautiful venue! 
A huge thank you to Peter Cooksley for organising the evening and for being so generous with your time for Rubicon. It really is appreciated.

‘It was a pleasure to be involved in supporting Rubicon by raising money through our charity cabaret evening. The talent on stage from Rubicon and St. Peter’s Players was very successful. Let's do it again next year’

Thank you to all those who attended the event to raise funds for Rubicon and to celebrate our 47 years. We are pleased to tell you that the evening raised £1,446.50.  We really appreciate your support and kind messages. Thank you!

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