Rubicon Dance Student Selected to Represent Wales at UDance Festival!

Rubicon would like to extend congratulations to Megan, one of our full-time students, who has been selected to represent Wales at the National UDance Digital Festival 16-18th July 2021.


‘I Talk’ by Megan C

Dare to dance, dance to inspire!

Rubicon would like to extend congratulations to Megan, one of our full-time students, who has been selected to represent Wales at the National UDance Digital Festival 16-18th July 2021. 

Megan’s dance piece was one of only a few solo works to be selected by the UDance panel for this national youth platform.  Rubicon is immensely proud of Megan’s progress and achievements.  We are thrilled that her work has been acknowledged. 

Megan initially created a solo for live performance based on the theme of 'Connecting People'. In my response to this theme, she wanted to explore the freedom she feels in connecting with people through dance. Due to lockdown restrictions, I adapted the work as a dance for camera project. The piece explores the contrast between frustration in my personal journey, coping with dyslexia, and the determination to overcome this frustration through expressive dance.

Megan said – “I was thrilled and excited to hear the news of my selection. It was an emotional climax after a long period of exploration and development. I did not like talking about my dyslexia before, but this process and the acknowledgement by the national section panel has boosted confidence. Thank you for opportunity!”

Megan is a second-year student studying a BTEC level 3 Extended Diploma in Dance. She has been studying at Rubicon since September 2019, having completed GCSE dance, locally at Llanishen High. Megan will be moving on to study a Certificate of Higher Education in Contemporary Dance at NSCD in September 2021.

You can follow the build up to this dance event through the following links:

Following us on Twitter and tagging @onedanceuk and use #UDance2021 when tweeting about the event;

Instagram and tagging @onedanceuk and use #UDance2021 in your posts about the event;

Facebook and tag @onedanceuk in your posts.  

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This is an exciting opportunity to play a pivotal role in the future of our organisation and oversee the successful implementation of our exciting community programme. / Mae hwn yn gyfle cyffrous i chwarae rhan ganolog yn nyfodol ein sefydliad ac i oruchwylio gweithredu llwyddiannus ein rhaglen gymunedol gyffrous.

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This is an exciting opportunity to play a pivotal role in the future of our organisation and take the lead in ensuring the overall quality of our extensive participatory programme. / Mae hwn yn gyfle cyffrous i chwarae rhan ganolog yn nyfodol ein sefydliad ac i arwain y ffordd mewn sicrhau ansawdd gyffredinol ein rhaglen gyfranogol eang.

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Rubicon Dance Student Selected to Represent Wales at UDance Festival!

Rubicon would like to extend congratulations to Megan, one of our full-time students, who has been selected to represent Wales at the National UDance Digital Festival 16-18th July 2021.


‘I Talk’ by Megan C

Dare to dance, dance to inspire!

Rubicon would like to extend congratulations to Megan, one of our full-time students, who has been selected to represent Wales at the National UDance Digital Festival 16-18th July 2021. 

Megan’s dance piece was one of only a few solo works to be selected by the UDance panel for this national youth platform.  Rubicon is immensely proud of Megan’s progress and achievements.  We are thrilled that her work has been acknowledged. 

Megan initially created a solo for live performance based on the theme of 'Connecting People'. In my response to this theme, she wanted to explore the freedom she feels in connecting with people through dance. Due to lockdown restrictions, I adapted the work as a dance for camera project. The piece explores the contrast between frustration in my personal journey, coping with dyslexia, and the determination to overcome this frustration through expressive dance.

Megan said – “I was thrilled and excited to hear the news of my selection. It was an emotional climax after a long period of exploration and development. I did not like talking about my dyslexia before, but this process and the acknowledgement by the national section panel has boosted confidence. Thank you for opportunity!”

Megan is a second-year student studying a BTEC level 3 Extended Diploma in Dance. She has been studying at Rubicon since September 2019, having completed GCSE dance, locally at Llanishen High. Megan will be moving on to study a Certificate of Higher Education in Contemporary Dance at NSCD in September 2021.

You can follow the build up to this dance event through the following links:

Following us on Twitter and tagging @onedanceuk and use #UDance2021 when tweeting about the event;

Instagram and tagging @onedanceuk and use #UDance2021 in your posts about the event;

Facebook and tag @onedanceuk in your posts.  

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