Rubicon Dance meets Rubicon Wales

Rubicon have recently formed a connection with Rubicon Wales, a business focussed on training and employing individuals in the facilities management sector.

Rubicon have recently formed a connection with Rubicon Wales, a business focussed on training and employing individuals in the facilities management sector. Rubicon are very excited and appreciative of this new link. Rubicon Wales have been generous enough to fund our sessions in Woodcroft and St David's Hospital so that we can continue our important work. 

“Rubicon Training ltd was established in 2014, Rubicon FM was established in 2015. Under the training company we work hard with Community Based projects to retrain those who are unemployed with the concept of taking them from the training through to employment with Rubicon FM ltd. Both companies specialise in the security industry from security training, NHS protect break away and conflict management training, through to security staff, event staff, front of house staff and hospitable porters. We have worked hard since both companies have formed to change the public’s perception of how good security staff should be and through our strong company values, we believe we are slowly winning these daily battles.

When Rubicon Dance approached us to explain why they need the money I instantly had a connection with the reasoning behind due to a family member showing signs of dementia at its early stage. I also understand how cruel this can be on family members and for those who are struggling with this in their lives. I do not feel it would be appropriate to sit back after knowing how others are struggling not to step in and help get these workshops back up and running as quick as we can”

Dave Corbett

Managing Director , Rubicon Wales

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