40 Years in Adamsdown Primary School

This year we celebrate 40 years of Rubicon Dance leading weekly sessions at Adamsdown Primary School with the first sessions being set up in 1983.

This year we celebrate 40 years of Rubicon Dance leading weekly sessions at Adamsdown Primary School with the first sessions being set up in 1983. In one of the early sessions a seven-year-old child participated who went on to become Rubicon's very first Community Dance Apprentice. Since 1983 we have worked with thousands of children at the school and love the link we have with our local school and would love to continue for at least another 40 years! Thanks to all dance practitioners, teachers and headteachers and pupils past and present who have contributed to this partnership. 

From Emma Thomas, current Headteacher of Adamsdown Primary School

Rubicon Dance has been an important part of our school for nearly 40 years, a partnership we are incredibly proud of. Through the regular dance sessions pupils have opportunities to learn, collaborate, reflect and most importantly enjoy dance led by the enthusiastic and caring staff from Rubicon
Rubicon’s sessions now form an important part of our enrichment provision as part of our All Wales Curriculum offer. This proves how flexible and supportive the teachers have been to adapt to the needs of our pupils as we make significant changes to our provision to reflect the four purposes of the new curriculum.


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Let's Dance with Rubicon Dance

Let's Dance with Rubicon Dance

Rubicon Dance is signed up to the "Let's Dance" UK wide campaign on Sunday 2 March

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BTEC Open Days and Auditions 2025

BTEC Open Days and Auditions 2025

Rubicon BTEC 2025-2026 academic year recruitment programme dates

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Work with Rubicon Dance: Outreach & Engagement Coordinator  /  Gweithio gyda Rubicon: Cydlynydd Allgymorth ac Ymgysylltu

Work with Rubicon Dance: Outreach & Engagement Coordinator / Gweithio gyda Rubicon: Cydlynydd Allgymorth ac Ymgysylltu

This is an exciting opportunity to play a pivotal role in the future of our organisation and oversee the successful implementation of our exciting community programme. / Mae hwn yn gyfle cyffrous i chwarae rhan ganolog yn nyfodol ein sefydliad ac i oruchwylio gweithredu llwyddiannus ein rhaglen gymunedol gyffrous.

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Work with Rubicon Dance: Operations Manager  /  Gweithio gyda Rubicon: Rheolwr Gweithrediadau

Work with Rubicon Dance: Operations Manager / Gweithio gyda Rubicon: Rheolwr Gweithrediadau

This is an exciting opportunity to play a pivotal role in the future of our organisation and take the lead in ensuring the overall quality of our extensive participatory programme. / Mae hwn yn gyfle cyffrous i chwarae rhan ganolog yn nyfodol ein sefydliad ac i arwain y ffordd mewn sicrhau ansawdd gyffredinol ein rhaglen gyfranogol eang.

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40 Years in Adamsdown Primary School

This year we celebrate 40 years of Rubicon Dance leading weekly sessions at Adamsdown Primary School with the first sessions being set up in 1983.

This year we celebrate 40 years of Rubicon Dance leading weekly sessions at Adamsdown Primary School with the first sessions being set up in 1983. In one of the early sessions a seven-year-old child participated who went on to become Rubicon's very first Community Dance Apprentice. Since 1983 we have worked with thousands of children at the school and love the link we have with our local school and would love to continue for at least another 40 years! Thanks to all dance practitioners, teachers and headteachers and pupils past and present who have contributed to this partnership. 

From Emma Thomas, current Headteacher of Adamsdown Primary School

Rubicon Dance has been an important part of our school for nearly 40 years, a partnership we are incredibly proud of. Through the regular dance sessions pupils have opportunities to learn, collaborate, reflect and most importantly enjoy dance led by the enthusiastic and caring staff from Rubicon
Rubicon’s sessions now form an important part of our enrichment provision as part of our All Wales Curriculum offer. This proves how flexible and supportive the teachers have been to adapt to the needs of our pupils as we make significant changes to our provision to reflect the four purposes of the new curriculum.


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